Tag: canine

  • Training Tools: A Review And Recommendations

    We have never paid for dog training classes in the past. Yes, we have consulted a trainer in the past when we were having issues, but never went to a formal class. We prefer to train our dogs ourselves and I have the knowledge and experience to do so. With this recent move, we did…

  • The Lobster Claw Dog: And The Mistaken Identity

    Today is a story about a lobster claw dog. No, he didn’t eat a lobster claw, he was born with one!  It was 8am on a surgery day and we were in the midst of the covid-19 protocols. In reality, the veterinary hospital during covid-19 was a disaster. Sure, it was sometimes a relief for…

  • Dog Treat for Seasonal Allergies

    Dog Treat for Seasonal Allergies

    It’s that time of year. We are all sneezing and rubbing our eyes. The pollen count is high and it’s almost unbearable. You may notice your dog rubbing his face, scratching his ears, licking his feet or belly. If your dog has mild allergy symptoms, you can support his body at home. Don’t wait though,…

  • Stressed pet? Try Melatonin and L-Theanine!

    Monday we talked about how to help your cat be less stressed at the vet. However dogs and cats often become stressed in their own home due to thunderstorms, fireworks, a move, new environmental noises, new animals or people in the home, etc. So today we will focus on two supplements that really make an…

  • Acupuncture- Is it a Placebo?

    Acupuncture- Is it a Placebo?

    My husband and I were at a loss of what to do when our 13 year old pug Wrinkles was clearly in pain. Wrinkles suffered from arthritis, myelopathy, hypothyroidism, cushing’s disease, and luxating patellas. Conventional medicine just wasn’t enough anymore. One day I brought up acupuncture as a potential option. My husband secretly thought I…

  • The Dog That Made Me Cry

    Today is fun Friday and it wouldn’t be fun Friday without another crazy vet tech story. Spoiler alert, this one ends with me crying.  Clients often bring their pets into the veterinary hospital with soft tissue injuries. Dogs can be dumb sometimes. Leaping into the air at crazy angles only to land abruptly and tear…

  • What’s on the Menu

    What’s on the Menu

    Sox’s Special Menu Items Homecooking for your pet can be a great way to provide fresh food and help your pet thrive. Sox is our 14 year old dog with a laundry list of health problems. On top of these issues, she occasionally decides that the food I offer isn’t acceptable and she’d prefer to…

  • Are all pugs aggressive for nail trims?

    Are all pugs aggressive for nail trims?

    No. Of course not. That’s a stupid question. If you ask any veterinary staff member, groomer, or anyone that has seen a video on social media with a pug screaming bloody murder and trying to bite, the answer is yes. So let’s unpack that.  My husband and I have had 2 pugs. Both of which,…

  • The Pot Coma

    The Pot Coma

    Here it is! Fun Story Friday. I have hundreds of stories banked away in my memory vault from the past 10 years as a vet tech. Some of them are really meaningful, some of them heartbreaking, and some… kind of gross or strange. Let’s start Fun Story Friday with some real stoners.  Marijuana intoxication in…

  • Let’s talk Cranberry supplements.

    Let’s talk Cranberry supplements.

    Do they really work?  YES, cranberry supplements do work! From personal experience, I can tell you this is not voodoo or the placebo effect. Cranberry supplements do in fact work when given in the appropriate dose. That said, most cranberry supplements list your pets weight range along with an extremely low dose recommendation. Which is…